Schools Admin
Website Update
Dear Parents/ Students
Kindly note that during the next period the website is undergoing some updates, soon you will find all the information you are looking for.
American Schools Contacts
American school contacts:
High school
+2 0122 112 54 67
+2 02 273 60 472
+2 02 273 60 979
+2 02 273 65 970
24 Ismail Mohamed, Zamalek, Cairo
Baby Home 10 Aziz Abaza, Zamalek, Cairo
+2 02 273 56 888
+2 02 273 60 361
You are always welcome
Dar El Tarbiah Schools - A Success Story
تلك تجربة ناجحة للغاية بطلتها سيدة مصرية هى الدكتورة نوال الدجوى وكريمتها السيدة منى الدجوى.. لماذا لا ندرس أسباب نجاحها.. ما دمنا نسعى فعليًا إلى تطوير التعليم المصرى، الذى يبدأ من الحضانة.. ومن بيبى هوم....
مقالة للصحفى الكبير/ عباس الطربيلى بجريدة الوفد بتاريخ 18 مايو 2017
Junior High School Meeting with Lebaladana
Today the Junior High American students had their first meeting with the representatives of Lebaladna- they had a presentation and some ideas to sleep on during the mid year vacation - they were divided in groups tentatively.
Community service & Lebaladna with Juniors
Today the Junior High American School students had their second meeting with Lebaladna coordinators - they started putting together ideas to be implemented for the benefit of our community- thanks all & good luck
Discussion with Rania Ameen
Parents Workshop - Effective Communication with Teenagers
Mid Year Vacation 2017
Dear Parents/Students;
We are pleased to announce that mid-year vacation will start from Wednesday 25th of January 2017. The school will resume February 12th, 2017. We wish you a very pleasant vacation and a successful second term.
Best regards
Second Quarter Parents Meeting
Dear Parents,
The second quarter parents-teachers meeting for 2016-2017 has been scheduled
as follows: Sunday 12th March, for grades 9 - 12, from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm
Thank you for your cooperation
Grade 12 Exams Fees
علي طلبة و طالبات الصف الثالث الثانوي سداد مبلغ :800ج
رسوم امتحان الثانوية العامة للعام الدراسي ٢٠١٦-٢٠١٧
في موعد اقصاه ٥ مارس ٢٠١٧ من الساعة ٩ : ٢