Bus Map, Rules & Terms

Dar El tarbiah Schools - Buss Map, Rules & Terms

Dar El Tarbiah American School has announced Bus Routes for the School Year 2013-2014 as follows:

  • 6 October city(Districts & west somid).
  • El Sheikh Zayed.
  • Maadi.
  • Zamalek,Dokki, Mohandseen and Agouza.
  • Guiza & Haram.

Bus Rules

1. The bus route is determined every year according to the shortest and quickest route for the whole tour. Under no circumstance does a parent have the right to interfere or make suggestions concerning the bus route. This is the responsibility of the school.

2. Students must wait for the bus in the same place every morning.

3. Students must be ready and waiting 5 minutes before the bus arrives. The student waits for the bus not the other way around. As for the afternoon drop, parents should wait for their children 5 minutes before the expected time of the bus. Concerning young children, parents are totally responsible for getting the child on and off the bus. The bus supervisor is not allowed to leave the bus for any reason.

4. Children are not allowed to change from bus to car unless they have a written permission from their parents, which must be forwarded to the school administration by the student or class teacher.

5. In case of misbehavior or disobeying bus rules, the school reserves the right to deprive the student from riding the bus.

6. Toys are not allowed in school or on the bus.

7. If any problem occurs on the bus between students, school administration is responsible for solving it. Parents report the incident to the school administration which will take the proper action.

Read 8281 times Last modified on Tuesday, 15 October 2013 16:12