
We are Pioneers and Leaders Among Regionally Accredited American Schools in Egypt.

Dar El Tarbiah American Schools is a nationally and regionally accredited online high school recognized by two major accrediting organizations. This certifies that our school delivers the promise of a top quality education that meets the highest established standards for high schools nationwide.
Accreditation is a mark of excellence. Importantly, earning a diploma from a leader among regionally accredited online high schools assures that your education will be accepted by colleges and prospective employers.

The North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement

The Advanced Postsecondary staff work closely with institutions to ensure quality education is provided to students. The process of accreditation provides an avenue to utilize a variety of criteria to assess the effectiveness of postsecondary programs.
The objectives of the postsecondary accreditation process are to:
  • Provide a performance-based accreditation process to drive continuous improvement.
  • Utilize standards based on educational research and best practices that impact students’ learning and school effectiveness.
  • Promote, strengthen, and assure the operation of quality educational programs for all students.
  • Afford opportunities to gain valuable input, validation, and get support from peers.

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Read 7257 times Last modified on Tuesday, 15 October 2013 14:54