Students are expected to keep the proper school uniform from the first to the last day of school. (Regular uniform everyday and the PE uniform on PE days or school trips). All items of clothing should be clearly labeled with their name and class.
Baby Home Uniform!
For KG and elementary stage:
- Yellow Polo T-shirt.
- Navy blue skirt (for girls) and pants (for boys).
- White socks and Black shoes.
For middle school:
- Beige Polo T-shirt (No bodies or waist length T-shirts).
- Navy Blue trousers (Not training suit pants).
- White socks and black shoes.
NO make-up no nail polish
Students who come to school out of uniform will be sent home immediately!
School uniform is available at Guelguela Shops in Zamalek.
Phone: 00227350927 address: 6 Ahmed Sabry Street ,from Hassan Sabry Zamalek-Cairo.
Phone: 00227350927 address: 6 Ahmed Sabry Street ,from Hassan Sabry Zamalek-Cairo.