American Admin

American Admin

On behalf of all members of Dar El Tarbiah American School, we congratulate Mama Nawal for receiving an Honorary Doctorates from the university of Bedfordshire on September the 30th 2023.
Mama Nawal has received many Honorary Doctorates and was also honored by the president of Egypt for her great efforts in Education. 
باسم كل اعضاء دار التربية اميريكان نهنئ ماما نوال لتكريمها من جامعة بيدفوردشاير و منحها درجة الدكتوراة الفخرية و ذلك في الثلاثين من سبتمبر ٢٠٢٣. 
و جدير بالذكر ان ماما نوال قد حصلت علي العديد من درجات الدكتوراة الفخرية و التكريم من رئيس الجمهورية لجهودها العظيمة في التعليم.

Our students sharing in the MSA International School’s Olympics grades 7,8,9 won in basketball. 
All of them were awarded certificates.

Kareem Ahmed Mostafa grade 9 won a golden medal in tennis (1st position)

Congratulations to all the participants.


Dar El Tarbiah American school student Awarded Sixth Place in National Competition.

Selim Mohamed Hassanein, Grade 7 student has won the sixth place in he National Swimming Competition held between school students, Selim is a Breast stroke swimmer and we can foresee a brilliant future for our young athlete.

Congratulations Selim and we are looking forward for a Gold medal.


Christmas Vacation!!

Sunday, 09 April 2017 22:11

Third Quarter Exams

Sunday, 05 July 2015 18:44


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